Thursday, June 07, 2007

Support the Brady Campaign

Support the Brady Campaign.


Brian said...

Not a chance. The Bradys are despicable.

Unknown said...

How so, Brian?

Brian said...

They play upon sympathy for Jim Brady in order to restrict the rights of Americans for no good reason.

Unknown said...

Ah. For a minute there I thought you actually had a reason. You don't like gun control, therefore the Bradys are despicable. Nice logic, there, brian.

Brian said...

Nice logic yourself, Cliffie. I'll type this slowly - maybe you'll be able follow along this time. The Brady's are despicable because they have decided that, having had tragedy inflicted upon them, others should lose their rights. I take it that you agree.

Unknown said...

Yes, I do agree. The "right to own a gun" is not inalienable, "brian." And there are countless examples of "rights" that we all agree must be limited as the price of living in a community. To me, this is one of them. I'm sorry you don't agree, but that doesn't make you despicable any more than it makes the Bradys despicable. It isn't just one tragedy that supports the Bradys' campaign, it's the TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans who die each year in firearm-related incidents. That's compelling, whether you get it or not.

Brian said...

The Bradys go far beyond any "reasonable" restrictions. They want ownership bans for firearms. What was The Brady Campaign originally called again? Despicable is the word.

If you want really want to save lives, why not ban cars?

Unknown said...

Visit the website, "brian"--you're wrong. Educate yourself.

Brian said...

I'm more educated on this issue than you are. What was that name, again?

Unknown said...

"brian"--not that you've demonstrated so far. If you've got a point, feel free to try to make it. And while you're at it, feel free to reaveal who you are and why you feel so strongly about this point. "Reason defeatis ideology," a wise man once said. Lets see if you can explain your position instead of relying on circular slogans and NRA propaganda.

Brian said...

Puh-leeze. Why don't you go first? You're in no position to criticize anyone else's reasoning, Cliffie.

Unknown said...

I'm not criticizing your reasoning because I haven't seen what it is yet. You haven't said anything other than "despicable." That's not reasoning. My reasoning can be found at Brady Campaign. Feel free to visit there and report back.
Beyond that, I'm not interested in a discusion with someone who childishly insists on altering my name. You don't seem to realize how ridiculous that makes you look.

Brian said...

I'd say it looks about as ridiculous as your putting quotes around my name. Look back through the thread and see who initially decided to start acting childishly.

Unknown said...

"brian"--pursuant to your request, I have looked back through the thread and the answer is clear: I've been respectful to you and have merely asked you to explain your reasons for calling the Bradys "despicable" and all you've done is attack me and offer a circular argument that is meaningless. Your name is quotation marks because, not knowing who you are, I have to assume that "brian" is a pseudonym. If you're unhappy with that arrangement, then there's no need to keep returning here to complain about it. Feel free to visit blogs where your style of irrational argumentation is welcome, because this isn't the place for you.